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Ugly Joe

Ugly Joe

Regular price $22.35
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Our take on the classic Cup of Joe. “Cup of Joe” is synonymous with a cup of coffee but where did it come from? We don’t really know for sure, but there are a few theories. Martinson’s Coffee was founded by Joe Martinson and some think that the local New Yorkers picked up “cup of joe” as slang. Another theory surrounds the secretary of the Navy Josephus “Joe” Daniels. After banning alcohol, the strongest drink available was a cup of coffee. It’s theorized that the term “cup of joe” was used as a subtle voice of disapproval of the alcohol ban. Linguists say that it could be a shortening of Jamoke (a combination of Java and Mocha). Another theory comes from coffee being the drink of an average man, or average Joe. Wherever the term came from, we’ve got a cup of joe for you, and it’s ugly!


Blend Name: Ugly Joe


Roast Level: Medium-Dark

In the Cup: Walnut Dark Chocolate, Sweet Pipe Tobacco, Dark Fruit

  • Available in 12 ounce, 16 ounce, and 5 pound bags
  • Whole bean or ground (fine, regular, coarse)