10 Easy Steps to Enjoying Chemex Brewed Coffee

Chemex is the preferred coffee brewing method of James Bond, Mary Tyler Moore, Don Draper, and a group of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. in New York. It is timeless in its design, as well as in the simple process in which it aids in producing a tantalizing cup of coffee. The Chemex coffee maker was created by German inventor Peter Schlumbohm in the late 1930’s and patented as a “filtering device.” Along with a few other investors, Schlumbohm set up The Chemex Corporation in 1939 in the state of New York. From 1939 to 1941 the filtering device took on a few revisions, which finally culminated into its current iconic hourglass-like design. Today Chemex is available in a variety of sizes and forms.

To show you how easy it is to make your daily brew with a Chemex, we will go through all of the steps, adhering to SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) dosing parameters. Here is a list of supplies you will need for the brewing process:

Chemex coffee brewer sitting on a white counter
Chemex Brewer
Chemex Filter
Favorite Copper Canyon Coffee
Filtered Water
Burr Grinder (recommended)
Kettle (gooseneck works best)
Favorite Mug


 Step 1:

Heat double the amount of water to be used for the brewing process, to 195°-205° F. We will be using 672 grams of water for our brew, so boiling a little over 1,300 grams of water should suffice.  We recommend using a kettle with a gooseneck.  This style of kettle makes it easier to pour the water exactly where you want it.

Step 2:

Tare the scale and measure out 41 grams of your favorite Copper Canyon Coffee while the water is heating.

Step 3:

Coarsely grind the coffee to the size and consistency typically used for a French Press.   While it is best to grind your coffee fresh (at the time of brewing), sometimes that isn’t possible.  If you need to grind your coffee prior to brewing, make sure you keep it in an airtight container to preserve the flavor as much as possible.  If you don’t have a grinder, we can grind your coffee for you, just select the type of grind you want on the product page, at the time of ordering.

Step 4:

Chemex filters come with 4 layers.  Place the unfolded Chemex paper filter into the Chemex brewer. Make sure the triple-folded section is facing the spout of the brewer. Pour some of the water just off the boil to saturate the filter and warm the glass decanter. Once it has strained through the paper filter and warmed the glass for about a minute, you can add this water into your waiting cup to heat it as well.  This rinses the filter and helps it stay in place.  It also warms the glass which will keep your coffee hot while it brews.  

barista pours hot water from a gooseneck kettle into a Chemex to brew coffee

Step 5:

Add the coarsely ground coffee to the filter and slightly shake it so the coffee levels off, or level off with a spoon, to allow for a more uniform pour.

Step 6:

Tare the scale again, and from the center outward, begin pouring the water over the coffee grounds. You will want to use a 2:1 water to coffee ratio for this pour; therefore 82g of water to 41g of coffee. Once the scale reads 82g, start the timer to allow the coffee to bloom for 30 seconds. This de-gassing expansion of the coffee allows for an even distribution of water, which will provide a full flavored cup in the end.


Step 7:

Slowly and periodically continue to pour water over the grounds. The filter should remain half filled with water during the brewing process, which should take between 4 to 5 minutes.

Step 8:

Once a slow drip occurs after all of the water (672g) has been deposited over the coffee grounds, remove the filter and discard.

Chemex swirl

Step 9:

Swirl the coffee in the Chemex brewer to allow the full flavored oils to evenly disperse, and pour into your warmed and waiting cup.

Step 10:

Repeat as many times as needed until there is a permanent smile on your face.

Tags: chemex, fresh brewed,  Home Brewing, small batch roasting

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